
Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide

Feasibility Study of Carbon Capture Units Integration Into Coal Fired Plant Operation and Carbon Storage Potential Estimate at Kuzbass Coal Mines in Russian Federation

The project goal was to justify carbon dioxide emissions reduction potential by means of СО2 injection into coal seams of Kuznetski coal basin. In order to assess the viability of the given project the OOO «Voroshilova» Mine of OAO Holding Company «SDS-Ugol» in Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo  Oblast was chosen as the demonstration project site.  There the flue gas emitted by the Mine’s coal fired boiler station is the main source of СО2 emissions. Project implementation included the following:

  • Analysis of mining and geological conditions of the area and seismic/ acoustic profiling of the coal rock structure;
  • Development of the Master Plan for the project construction site and the technical plan for СО2transportation, and an estimate of economically viable volumes of СО2 for capture and injection;
  • The estimate of СО2volumes and amount of harmful emissions produced by «Voroshilova» Mine coal-fired boiler station;
  • The analysis of СО2volumes, planned for injection and long-term storage, resorting to a coal seam filtration pattern and gathering of data on the existing well’s contour of influence;
  • The study of possibility for carbon dioxide injection into a pillar zone of the coal structure in the «Voroshilova» Mine to stimulate coal mine methane (CMM) recovery;
  • The analysis of gas content values in coal seams in the «Voroshilova» mine with regard to their bedding depth;
  • Assessment of CMM resources available for further use in a power generation unit and in a block modular boiler station for electrical and thermal power production; and
  • Appraisal of the economic viability of CMM utilization in a power generation unit and in a block modular boiler station for electrical and thermal power production.